You Getchaself

Certain people (Sarah Palin) of certain political persuasions (Rand Paul) have a way of accusing the media, political adversaries, or anyone who catches them fucking up (John McCain) of "Gotcha Politics." If as a governor of one of the 50 states, for example, Katie Couric asks you what newspapers you read and you don't read newspapers, but you're too embarrassed to say that, it is not "Gotcha Politics." It is just you being caught fucking up. It is your fault that you can't come up with the name of a couple papers or magazines at the drop of a hat. Hint: Never let Sarah Palin be your partner if a game of Scattergories breaks out.

Nevertheless, I am sure this dude in the video below is accusing his opponents of "Gotcha Politics" after he was caught stealing from Barack Obama's perfunctory "puppy dogs and daisies" speech at the 2004 Democratic National Convention. I must say, Vaughn has all the razzle dazzle of Pat Boone doing Little Richard tunes.

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