The Cellophane Racist

Some people you can see right through. As much as they try to fool other people and themselves that they stand for equality and fairness and all that gay shit, at the end of the day, they would much rather be in a bunker with a Racist Deluxe than Clarence Thomas or even the late Negro-friendly Jack Kemp.

The difference between the Cellophane Racist and the Racist Deluxe is that the former (the first one) can't, for some reason be so upfront with how they really feel. Usually it is because they are in politics or have political aspirations. Politicians can't be sidelined by defending blunt statements such as "We need to preserve our white privilege." Instead they say things like "quotas don't do anyone any good." Of course, like all other racists they assume every time a minority is hired it was done on a quota basis when in fact we all know that only nine out of ten minority hires are quota-based.
The Cellophane Racist is currently active in the debate over the so-called Ground Zero Mosque. While Newt Gingrich touts the Brutish line of the Racist Deluxe comparing Muslims to hate groups, the Cellophane Racist tempers things by insisting opposition to the planned gymnasium and cooking class site is nothing against Muslims. It's just providing a voice to the 9-11 victims. Yeah right. One thing they haven't answered is exactly what is a proper radius for Muslims to skulk anonymously in the shadows because if you make demands of where Muslims CAN'T be, whether in the name of "sensitivity" or sheer arrogant bias, you have to announce where they CAN be. Then you have to come up with a list of who CAN be where you don't think the Muslims should be and before you know it you've drawn up segregation plans. Congratulations. You really are a racist.

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