AOTL's State Of The Union Address

Depending on the statistics you find, America is the obesest country in the world. Some have Mexico edging us out, but I don't think that should count. Much of Mexico's fat population is made up of people who came to live in the U.S., got fat and went back to Mexico. So those are actually our American fat rolls undulating on midriffs from Sonora to Sinaloa.

Some people think that the U.S. is the richest country on Earth, but that is untrue. Wealth  is measured in GDP per capita which puts us between sixth and eighth, depending on the source. With the largest GDP in the world, the U.S. does have the largest economy, a distinction we are slated to enjoy for the next 25 years when China is expected to step up and eat our lunch. Look out, China. There's a lot of calories from fat in that lunch. That's how we roll, no pun intended.

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