Making Believers Out Of Doubters

How does Obama do it? A recent Washington Post poll shows that 14 percent of Americans believe it is likely Barack Obama was not born in the U.S. Of that 14 percent, one third approve of the job Obama is doing. That's right. They think that Obama is a liar who happens to be doing a bang-up job. How's that for a vote of confidence?

We can't get too scientific here since we don't know who this third of the Birther segment is. For all we know they may think he's from Krypton or some sci-fi paradise that dispatches angelic droids to needy destinations throughout the galaxies.

Of course, I would love to believe that they are those people who hated Obama so much they would say anything to challenge his legitimacy as president. It would be so nice to see them give POTUS props after making such far-fetched claims against him. That would really be progress. But the poll did not get that specific and the only thing I take from this, which is no different from most polls, is that U.S. polls are sloppily executed queries of dumb people.

1 comment:

  1. You wouldn't believe how many callers I deal with everyday who spit out the birther crap! One of them got my plasma boiling so much I asked them where John Mc Cain was born. Of course they refused to answer...
